Ebony Williams is an american actress that lives in Atlanta Georgia, She grew up there with a love
For entertaining, which started at a young age performing for family members, in high school she joined drama club, she also studied drama and film, at Clark Atlanta University briefly, figuring acting was her calling she’s been pursuing it with a fierce passion. Her most recent
Tv appearance has been season 3 and 4 of fatal attraction, and season 1 of Justice by any means, both shows are on cable’s channel tvone.Ebony keeps a pretty crafty, acting tool box of various
Techniques that she has studied. loving the art of acting she has done several live theatre shows and independent films around Atlanta,
Touching lives and making a difference is really important to her. In her free time she loves creating memories with her son, cooking, laughing and reading.
A Life lived for art is never a life wasted
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